Monday, March 26, 2012


Chopperfest Digital Video.


Here's a bike I did for my cousin Keith a couple years ago. He asked for a bike that was green and had $ signs on it, with air ride! I told him I WASN'T going to do a "Richie Rich" bike, but I'll do the best I can. Knowing he loves guns, I incorporated Billy Lanes Revolver parts, risers, pegs, grips, gas cap and oil cap....he loved it....and the air ride!

Friday, March 23, 2012


Here's a 93 sportster after I was done with it. Turned out pretty sweet. Sold it to Tony. He told me bike roll up and ask what it is...he tell's them a Sportster and they don't believe him. (They obviously don't know a sportster motor then)


Short link to a video by Matt Binetti

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pin Up of the Month

Here's Kristen...Pin up of the Month (April 2012) from Nashville, TN. It's nice to see the picture theyy decided to choose between the 600+ picture they took that day. Looking forward to another opportunity. I love Detroit!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cover shoot

Excited to say "Gold Rush" made the cover of The Horse Backstreet Choppers Magazine. This is my first magazine I've made and couldn't be happier than to be on the cover of April (my Bday Month) Can't wait to see it hit the stands.

You can check out the website here:

New springer showed up today!

Chad at Pearson Customs hooked me up with one nice looking springer this weekend. I threw it on and it think it will workout just fine! Still trying to figure out what I'm doing for paint but I have a few ideas floating around in my head.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Magazine Photoshoot

This is a previous shot from a Photoshoot done by Rock Nelson for an up coming Magazine feature. This was taken in Racine behind and old malted milkball factory.

"If you start something...finish it"

Here's a link I was sent last night...I thought it was cool to see out on the innerweb.