Friday, January 18, 2013

Gas Tank

I been working on a lot of stuff recently and been neglecting the blog for the past few months. I got a new phone and joined the Instagram world of pictures so I've been playing around with that to cure my networking addiction. I'll be posting up the work I've been doing and I though I would start with the new gas tank. This is a tank my friend Dan Vice has been working with me on...pretty much showing me how to make an idea come to life and the extra tools I would need. Here's the step by step it took to bang this tank out. Cut this...hammer that...roll this and roll that. Now I know why custom tanks cost so much. It takes alot of time to get these things the way you want them to look.
This is trimming the front dome for the front of the tank.
Going to the beater bag for a while you kind get the shape started before rolling it on the english wheel.
Here's a shot of how the front turned out after rolling it on the wheel with a 2 degree radius.

Doing this without a buck didn't seem so bad. cut the sheet to the depth wanted and roll over the knee. Then shink and beat the top part for more shape.
Welding the dome to the front left just adding the back of the tank. We took a roller and sent this piece through for the right shape.
Cut and trim...and the top is done.

Making the tunnel was prtty easy.
Here it is...still have to finish the bottom.

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